Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Before this St. Patty's Day I never really thought about the fact that my kids are all Irish. Weird.
Today while we were hanging out in the living room during the after school chaos, Gabe announced that he wanted to play "Fudge Buggy." Most assuredly, I was stumped. After making him repeat himself about ten times, I realized that what he actually wanted to play was "Punch Buggy", which is a game Katy and I always play, and also rather hard to do from the living room couch.
Katy and Jake are at their usual Wednesday night Bible Studies, and John is at Celebrate Recovery, so I am trying to get up the courage to fold about four loads of laundry (leftovers from the Great Dryer Fiasco of '08). My plan is to stay dressed, all the way down to my shoes, and put on "Dan in Real Life" in the living room, only leaving the room when all the laundry is folded and safely in it's assigned basket.
I totally made the curtain for the entryway door; it only took me about two and a half hours to sew a hem on each end, what with trying to wind the bobbin AND thread the needle. In the end, I have a very cute, ivory eyelet curtain, and my front door looks pretty.
Today I also got to see Aunt Heidi which was really nice. I hope she can hang out sometime - I think we'd have a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Steph said...

So, how DID "Fudge Buggy" go? I'm interested to hear...:)
P.S. we found the blue blankie (darn and yay!) I know, not nice!

What can I say? A picture is worth a thousand words

What can I say? A picture is worth a thousand words

How many cups of coffee do you drink in a day?

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep,
to gain what he cannot lose."
-Jim Elliot
"If You wanted me to be like You,
Why'd you make me like me?

If You wanted me to love You only,
Why'd you make the moonlight sparkle in her eyes?"

--Todd Agnew