Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter has come and gone - it was really a wonderful celebration this year, although I really missed having John with us. Our family get together was on Saturday, and we got to meet Josh, Jennie's boyfriend! He is so nice, cute, polite, and apparently lots of other wonderful things that we don't know from meeting him, but have heard from Jennie. Katy told me after Jennie and Josh left that while they were all sitting on the couch eating, she was trying to give Josh an open door in order for him to propose to Jennie - right there in the Taylor living room. And she just couldn't figure out why he didn't jump at the chance! Well, Katy, I have a feeling that soon enough, he will!
We did make it to the Sunrise Service - both Jake and Katy really wanted to go, so I figured we may as well. The little boys thought it was very COLD, but also very cool to see the sun come up over the trees, and although they kept stepping on the blankets I insisted on them bundling up in, they really enjoyed the whole experience. (Apparently they don't remember going last year - while I remember it all too well, and almost chose not to attend this year for an encore performance.)

Katy sang a song in Sign Language, and Jacob had a monologue during the regular service, both of which were amazing and I have captured on video. Maybe I can figure out how to download them.
It has actually been a really fun week, socially - I did TWO things! Firstly, Mom and Dad invited me to go see The Celtic Women with them on Friday at the Verizon. I loved it ~ I don't even know what to say except, it was the Celtic Women! It was awesome.
And then last night, John and I saw "Casablanca" on the big screen at the indy theater. Could not have come up with a better date if I tried. Of course, we got home and had to deal with poor Jake and some stuff that is going on with their mom, and then before we made it to bed, Zach was up, so I had to get him back to sleep. Needless to say, the trip to Victoria's Secret earlier yesterday hasn't paid off. YET.

1 comment:

Steph said...

"yet" being the operative word! (I spelled "operative" right, right? I think my brain is fried)

What can I say? A picture is worth a thousand words

What can I say? A picture is worth a thousand words

How many cups of coffee do you drink in a day?

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep,
to gain what he cannot lose."
-Jim Elliot
"If You wanted me to be like You,
Why'd you make me like me?

If You wanted me to love You only,
Why'd you make the moonlight sparkle in her eyes?"

--Todd Agnew